Directed by Meghna Gulzar, the cinematic masterpiece Sam Bahadur is ready to captivate audiences worldwide through its exclusive streaming on ZEE5 Global. The film unfolds the riveting life saga of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw portrayed by Vicky Kaushal. The movie promises to deliver an immersive experience, capturing the essence of an era marked by valor, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of Sam Bahadur. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala, under the banner of RSVP Movies, the Sam Bahadur movie was released in theaters on December 1, 2023, and will soon be available to stream on ZEE5 Global on January 26, 2024. Moreover, the film will be available to stream in selected countries.
What’s the story of Sam Bahadur?
The movie is about Sam Manekshaw also known as “Sam the Brave,” a man who witnessed extraordinary transformations. Witness the highs and lows of Sam Bahadur’s life, hailing from India under British rule, his journey began as he enlisted in the army, courageously combating British-Indian interests during the tumultuous Second World War against Japan. Manekshaw later steered India through the Indo-Pakistani conflict, ultimately achieving the historic milestone of becoming the first Indian army officer promoted to field marshal upon his retirement in 1973. The biopic will take you through some important parts of a military strategist who could speak truth to power.
Get to know the cast of the Sam Bahadur movie
Mentioned below is the list of actors being featured on Sam Bahadur playing lead roles.
- Vicky Kaushal as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
- Bobby Arora as Major O. S. Kalkat, Indian Army.
- Monuj Borkotoky as Major, Assam Rifles.
- Krishnakant Singh Bundela as Subedar Gurbaksh Singh.
- Dhanveer Singh as Lieutenant Dilsher Singh
- Ankur Rajveer Singh as Lieutenant General Depinder Singh
- Ujjwal Chopra as Lieutenant General Brij Mohan Kaul
- Sudhir Singh as General. Paramasiva Prabhakar Kumaramangalam
- Pushpadeep Singh as Brigediar Kulwant Singh
- Jaskaran Singh Gandhi as Sepoy Mehar Singh.
The movie also stars Sanya Malhotra, Rajiv Kachroo, and Prajesh Kashyap, among others in supporting roles.
Critical Acclaims and IMDb Rating
Meghna Gulzar’s 150-minute film focuses on the high points and low points of Sam Manekshaw’s personal and professional life. Vicky Kaushal wins you over by being spot on, eyes a-twinkle, moustache a-bristle. It’s hard to play a character so closely without becoming a caricature, but he becomes Sam Bahadur. The movie was well received by the audience with an impressive IMDb rating of 8.2 out of 10. Upon the film’s theatrical release, Sam Bahadur grossed ₹124.4 crore (US$16 million) worldwide.
Where to watch Sam Bahadur movie online?
Since ZEE5 Global has acquired the streaming rights to the Sam Bahadur movie it is set to premiere on January 26, 2024. You can sign up on the platform and get a subscription, by doing so, viewers can not only access Sam Bahadur but also the latest movies and more Vicky Kaushal movies available online. ZEE5 Global offers a wide library of movies across various genres whether you enjoy rib-tickling comedies, wild action sequences or mystery thrillers, ZEE5 Global has it all. So sign up today and start streaming right away!